Artist Staement & Bio

The Art shown on these pages is a collection of work by Marston A. Jaquis, Denver, Colorado based American Artist. As an artist over the past thirty years, Marston works in various media and uses different approaches to resolve the creative problems that he sets for himself. Marston is very interested in art that suggest different visuals, what is there and what is it that the viewer sees. He will use different geometric shapes, arranged to create the illusion multiple images. In some of his impressionest paintings, he will isolate the subject on a simple or abstract background, so the subject becomes the entire focus of the painting.

“I have always been crazy but it has kept me from going insane.” ~ Waylon Jennigs


Art Students League of Denver - 1995 - Member,
Studied Painting under James Valone & Dale Chisman.
September, 1997 - Three weeks Painting in Auvillar France with other members of the Art Students League.

Platt College
Computer Graphics - Diploma Course Completion - June, 1992

Colorado Institute of Art
    Associate Degree of Occupational Studies - Advertising Design - June 1984

State University College at Buffalo N.Y.
Bachelor of Science in Education (Art Ed.) December 21, 1974